
Arte Insurance

Open Enrollment is the time each year when you can sign up for health insurance. If you miss this period, the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”) lets you enroll outside of this window if you have a qualifying life event, like getting married or having a baby. This is called the Special Enrollment Period.

When a qualifying life event happens, you usually have 60 days to sign up for individual or family health insurance. This 60-day timeframe is known as your special enrollment period.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the various life events covered by Obamacare’s Special Enrollment Period, ensuring that you understand how to take advantage of this vital opportunity to secure your healthcare coverage.

Loss of Health Coverage

Have you lost your existing health insurance? Enrolling in the Special Enrollment Period or SEP can help. Here are some common situations in which one is likely to lose their coverage:

  • Job Loss: Losing or job or having reduced work hours can impact your health insurance. However, it can make you eligible for SEP. Losing job-based coverage is a significant event that often leaves people without insurance unexpectedly.
  • Aging Out of a Parent’s Plan: If you turn 26, you can no longer remain on your parent’s health insurance plan. This milestone qualifies you for a SEP to find your coverage.
  • Loss of Medicaid or CHIP: You can also get qualified for SEP if you or your family members have lost Medicaid or CHIP coverage.
  • Expiration of COBRA Coverage: COBRA allows you to keep your employer-based insurance for a limited time after leaving your job, but once it ends, you can apply for new insurance under SEP.

Changes in Household

Life events that change your household composition can also trigger a SEP. Here are some common household changes:

  • Marriage: Getting married is an exciting time, and it’s also an opportunity to review your health insurance options. You and your spouse can enroll in a new plan or add one another to existing coverage.
  • Divorce or Legal Separation: Unfortunately, if your marriage ends in divorce or legal separation, you may lose health insurance if you were on your spouse’s plan. This life event allows you to explore new coverage options through a SEP.
  • Having a Baby or Adopting a Child: Welcoming a new child into your family is a joyous occasion, and it also means new healthcare needs. Whether you’re having a baby or adopting, you can add your child to your health insurance or find a new plan during a SEP.
  • Death in the Family: If you lose a family member and it affects your health coverage (for example, if you were covered under their plan), you qualify for a SEP to find new insurance.

Changes in Residence

Moving can be a stressful experience, but it can also impact your health insurance coverage. The following residential changes qualify for a SEP:

  • Moving to a New ZIP Code or County: A move to a different area may mean that your existing health plan no longer covers you. This event allows you to search for available plans in your new location.
  • Moving to the U.S. from Another Country: If you move to the United States from another country or U.S. territory, you can use a SEP to enroll in health insurance.
  • Moving to or from a Shelter or Transitional Housing: Significant changes in your living situation, such as moving into or out of a shelter, can qualify you for a SEP.
  • Moving for Work or School: If you’re a student moving to or from the place where you attend school or a worker moving to or from the place where you work, these changes may trigger a SEP.

Changes in Income or Financial Status

Your financial situation can change suddenly, affecting your eligibility for certain healthcare programs. Here’s how income changes can lead to a SEP:

  • Becoming Eligible for Premium Tax Credits: If your income changes and you become eligible for premium tax credits, you can apply for a SEP to take advantage of financial assistance for your healthcare coverage.
  • Becoming Ineligible for Premium Tax Credits: On the flip side, if your income increases and you lose eligibility for these credits, you may need to change your health plan during a SEP.
  • Qualifying for Medicaid or CHIP: If your income changes make you eligible for Medicaid or CHIP, you can enroll at any time. However, if you lose eligibility, a SEP allows you to find a new plan.

Gaining U.S. Citizenship or Lawful Presence

If you become a U.S. citizen or gain a lawful presence in the United States, you become eligible for health insurance through the Marketplace. This significant life event qualifies you for a SEP to ensure you have the coverage you need as a new citizen or lawful resident.

Leaving Incarceration

If you are released from incarceration, you can use a SEP to enroll in a health insurance plan. This life event ensures that you have access to the necessary healthcare services as you reintegrate into society.

How to Apply for a Special Enrollment Period

Now that you understand the life events that qualify you for a SEP, here’s a simple guide to applying for one:

1. Check Your Eligibility: Review the list of qualifying life events to see if you meet the criteria for a SEP.

2. Gather Documentation: Collect any necessary documents to prove your qualifying life event, such as a marriage certificate, birth certificate, or job loss notice.

3. Visit the Health Insurance Marketplace: Go to [HealthCare.gov](https://www.healthcare.gov/) or your state’s Marketplace website to begin the application process.

4. Submit Your Application: Complete the application and provide any required documentation to verify your eligibility.

5. Select a Plan: Review the available health insurance plans and choose one that meets your needs and budget.

6. Enroll: Once you’ve selected a plan, enroll and make any necessary payments to start your coverage.


Life is full of unexpected changes, and having the right health insurance coverage is essential to protect yourself and your family.

The Special Enrollment Period under Obamacare provides a vital opportunity to secure healthcare coverage during significant life events, ensuring that you have the support you need when you need it most.

We are Arte Insurance help you choose the right SEP coverage. Get in touch now!

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